LifeWave X-39 Patch

LifeWave X-39 Patch

LifeWave X-39 Patch has been studied and researched for years with excellent results being established. This page will provide some results and history.


LifeWave, Inc. has developed a new patch called X-39 which is proposed to be a phototherapy product that stimulates the skin with specific wavelengths of light for the purpose of elevating the peptide GHK-Cu. The peptide GHK-Cu may effectively stimulate the natural healing process in the body. LifeWave, Inc. has developed X-39 patch with numerous intended benefits like improvement in overall energy, rapid relief from pain and improvement in overall functional vitality of the body. A pilot study was conducted with forty experimental and five control voluntary subjects who were studied before and after wearing the LifeWave, Inc. X-39 patch for a period of six weeks, using cutting edge non-invasive screening technologies like biofield imaging, electro photonic imaging and electro-interstitial screening. This set of devices allowed us to extract a broad spectrum of data ranging from physical, energetic and emotional aspects of the body non-invasively and efficiently. Statistical analysis of data revealed a highly significant increase in overall energy of subjects biofield and significant improvement in the symmetrical distribution of energy between the organs. Also, a significant improvement in green pixels after using the patches for 6 weeks showed positive changes in the biofield of the subjects. Further research is required with a larger population and a double-blinded placebo control group.

LifeWave, Inc. X-39 patch

The X-39 patch is a phototherapy product that stimulates the skin with specific wavelengths of light for elevating the peptide GHK-Cu. Copper
tripeptide-1(GHK-Cu) is a small protein composed of the three amino acids (protein building blocks) glycine, histidine, and lysine combined in a specific
geometric configuration with the physiologically beneficial mineral (copper) (DeHaven, C., 2014). This tripeptide was first isolated from human plasma
albumin in 1973 by Dr Loren Pickart. Pickart noticed differences in the levels of fibrinogen based on age. He additionally noticed that these differences stopped when the older liver cells were incubated in blood from younger people. In 1977, David Schlesinger of the Harvard University Chemistry Department confirmed that the growth modulating peptide isolated by Pickart was a glycyl-L-histidyl-L-lysine peptide. It is interesting to note that this peptide has also been found in saliva, urine, and collagen. It is also important to mention that none of the research around GHK has ever found it to cause any side effects. (DeHaven, C., 2014). The copper tripeptide-1 belongs to a group of emergency response molecules which are released during injury and come to the body’s aid (DeHaven, C., 2014) It is naturally released by the body when there is any type of injury to tissue. Research has identified that this peptide is used to signal the beginning of the natural repair process. This benefit has specifically been documented through research for post-laser or surgical wounds, ischemic, burns, skin or hair transplants, and diabetic ulcers. Diabetic wounds healed three times faster in the presence of Copper tripeptide-1. Time to re-epithelialization is shortened (DeHaven, C., 2014). The copper tripeptide-1 has been suggested to have a potential therapeutic role in age-related neurodegeneration and cognitive decline. It improves axon survival and maintenance of nerves. (DeHaven, C., 2014). The tripeptide has also been demonstrated to improve tissue remodeling. It increases keratinocyte proliferation and normal collagen synthesis, improves skin thickness, skin elasticity and firmness, improves wrinkles, photodamage and uneven pigmentation, improves skin clarity, and tightens protective barrier proteins (DeHaven, C., 2014). This has an impact on both scars and other effects of damage to the skin, and natural ageing processes. The effects of tissue remodelling also seem to have an impact on cancerous cells. The fact that GHK was able to suppress 70% of genes involved in the development of an aggressive metastatic form of colon cancer indicates that GHK is capable of the regulation of various biochemical pathways on a gene level and it seems to be resetting the gene activity back to health, which leads to the improvement of tissue repair. (Pickart, L., 2012). GHK-Cu also has a demonstrated impact on other organs in the body after they have been damaged. A collaborative study conducted by scientists from Boston University, University of Groningen, University of British Columbia, and University of Pennsylvania established that the GHK peptide reverses the gene expression signature of COPD, which is manifested by emphysema, inflammation, lung tissue destruction, and significant reduction of lung capacity (Pickart, L., 2015). It is also important to note that the level of GHK is about 200 ng/mL(10−7M) at age 20 but declines to 80 ng/mL by age 60 (Pickart, L., 2015). This likely explains the increasing impact on ageing. It would also suggest that increased levels over time of GHK-Cu would have a positive effect on both life expectancy and ageing.

The pilot study demonstrates a statistically significant improvement in the subjects biofield from using the LifeWave, Inc. X-39 patches in Bio-Well (EPI\GDV) and Biofield Viewer (BV). The statistical analysis revealed a highly significant improvement (p<0.0001) in overall energy of the person and significant improvement(p<0.05) in the symmetrical distribution of energy over different organs in bio-well (EPI\GDV). A significant improvement (p<0.05) of green pixels in BV pixel analysis supports the effectiveness of the X-39 patches in terms of improving the vitality of the biofield. Table. 1 displays summary post-test statistics for the changes in the experimental group and reports the significance level. Table. 2 displays summary post-test statistics of the subjects in the control group have not got a statistical significance. From this research, we can conclude that LifeWave, Inc. X-39 patch is effective in elevating the overall energetic vitality of the biofield and the body and also boosting the self-healing mechanisms. This study reveals the potential of X-39 patches to provide sustainable non-drug therapy. Several anecdotal responses were heard from the subjects that the patches helped them to have an active day and sound sleep in the night. Smart interventions are increasing in popularity, due to drug toxicity and side effects. Patches can provide a sustainable complement to conventional therapies. This study was conducted without a placebo patch. To advance this science, future studies must be undertaken with a larger random sample using double-blinded placebo controlled trials.

The above information was gathered from: Experimental-Study-of-Lifewave-X-39-patches-report-Final-draft-3

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